
Seeds of Rebirth, 2022

This film was shown as part of my degree show installation When I was born, the War ended!.

Bird Attack, 2022

Using a limited amount of footage I experimented with editing to convey a specific atmosphere. This film was shot and edited in just 2 days.

Commoriens, 2021

By literally living my daily life with death on my side, I take this heavy subject and, through the use of comedy tropes, disarm the viewer and make it more light hearted and easy to digest. The skeleton, which remains completely anonymous in the fact that we do not know its gender or race, enters my life out of curiosity for me. It transforms me into a more death aware person.

My heart is blind to reason, 2019

My very first time working with a film camera and experimenting a lot with editing and sound resulted in this experimental film.